Commercial Pest Control Service

In Need Services

If you have a current problem to solve we can customize an effective and affordable solutions for you and provide a plan and program to prevent the re-occurrence.

Basic Preventative Plans

Want a plan to prevent pests?   We customize plans to fit your needs today and tomorrow.  Basic plans don't cover everything but having the basic is often enough.  For most businesses this is the best way to go.

Advanced Control and Inspection Services

Facilities in need of top of the line services and are inspected by outside governmental and non governmental bodies that require multi-layer plans that need more than regular services.

Specialized Pest Problems

Sored Food Insects, Large Animal trapping, Pest Proofing, Bird Control

Pest Control Documentation

In today's regulated environment documentation is the key to success.  ICI will fulfill your ever changing documentation needs form local to state to federal to qualifications standards.

FAQs for Commercial Pest Control

People have questions and we share not only those but the suggestions and answers to those quesitons.